GlobalTrading, Cork, decorative border



1. Floors and Trafficked Areas

External flooring, including car parks, roadways, runways, balconies and walkways, are all highly vulnerable to damage and potholes often develop in the most critical areas.

Years of trafficking and exposure to freeze thaw cycles result in mechanical damage not only to the concrete deck but also degradation of the existing waterproofing system.

Industrial floors and loading bays will also show signs of distress in areas subject to the continual pounding from fork lift trucks whose solid wheels and high point loads are very unforgiving. The distress is usually found in areas which cannot be taken out of service for long periods requiring rapid, yet durable and reliable reinstatement and protection.

2. Repair and Protection Systems for Building Structures

It is now accepted that, in practice, modern concrete structures have not proved to be as durable as was once anticipated, bringing a legacy of expensive maintenance today to ensure that they remain serviceable and capable of achieving their design life.

High rise structures dating back to the construction boom of the 1960s are invariably showing signs of distress, necessitating urgent remedial action. Even structures such as bridges and tunnels, built to modern standards with high strength concrete, are not immune to deterioration in our increasingly aggressive environment.

Flexcrete offers advanced systems which provide solutions for today’s concrete repair problems. Structural integrity can be reinstated and future protection against carbonation, chloride attack, water ingress and freeze/thaw damage is assured.

Flexcrete continues to develop an ever-widening range of innovative products, including repair mortars suitable for application by hand, pouring or spray techniques, high performance, decorative anti-carbonation coatings and waterproof, anti-corrosion coatings for both steel and concrete based on proven polymer/cement technology.

3) Water Industry

For centuries, concrete has proved to be an invaluable material for containing water. However, the ever-growing demands of modern industry and a rising population have created many problems for today’s water engineers.

Reinforced concrete structures, now routinely steel reinforced, are increasingly susceptible to cracking and spalling as a result of corrosion of reinforcement and attack from effluent, soft water and freeze-thaw cycles. Unprotected steelwork is also similarly prone to corrosion in such aggressive environments.

Repairs to water installations are typically disruptive, so the demand for highly engineered products that can be applied rapidly and effectively in damp conditions has increased dramatically. In order to meet this demand, Flexcrete has developed an extensive range of product solutions for both the clean and dirty water sections of the industry, utilising the very latest innovations in styrene acrylic copolymer technology, microsilica and cement chemistry.

From reinforcement protectors and repair mortars to cementitious coatings and membranes, Global Trading offers the most effective repair and protection systems available for repair and protection of concrete and steel.

4) Repair and Protection Systems for Marine Structures

Marine environments impose rigorous and unique demands on those authorities, engineers and specifiers responsible for maintaining the integrity of coastal defences, wharfs and pier deck structures.

High chloride levels in seawater, combined with the aggressive action of waves and currents, push structural integrity to the limits, whilst, at the same time, offering only fleeting opportunities for repair and refurbishment.

Structures in service need to withstand extreme loading variations from wind and water movement, as well as abrasion damage from waterborne debris. Flexcrete has long been recognised as a foremost supplier of high performance repair and protection systems for marine structures and currently offers its widest ever range of specialist products for use in some of the most hostile environments in the world.

Global Trading Co. Ltd, Togher Industrial Estate, Pouladuff Road, Cork, Ireland. +353 (0)21 4962111


We supply a complete range of fully-bonded, fluid-applied, seamless roofing systems; plus, hygiene coatings and a range of extremely durable, decorative, weatherproof coatings suitable for all common substrates.


Global Trading carries a range of epoxies, as well as painting accessories. In addition, we supply shot blasting and spray painting equipment for sale or hire – with a full range of parts and aggregate.